Cedar Valley Manor – Smoking Restrictions, Parking & Pet Waste Management
Happy September to one and all! Just a quick reminder that Cedar Valley Manor is:
1 – A completely non-smoking site, with no designated smoking areas. Please ensure that your guests respect this restriction.
2 – Please refrain from allowing your pets to void or defecate on Church property. We appreciate you picking up after your pet! However, there are a number of other easy-to-access locations for your pet to potty that are away from the Church site.
3 – There are designated parking spots above ground for guests of Cedar Valley Manor, and assigned underground parking for tenants. Please remind your guests to refrain from parking in Church parking spots.
Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and attention to these issues.
Housekeeping item:
Do you have a garden plot you have been assigned but haven’t used? Please touch base. MASH has a growing wait-list of tenants looking to garden and we’d like to get planning Spring 2023.
We are interested in learning more about your apartment for rent in Mission. A lady who works at Save-On Foods said to contact you.
Hi Barb,
I will pass your message on to Anna-Marie, who is the Tenant Services Manager, and handles inquiries. Alternatively, she can be reached at 236-622-2043.